Version 2.2 bug fixes and small changes

Recent round of bug fixing has just been finished and uploaded.  Here is a list of what's changed/fixed.

Fixed a bug where the tint wouldn't change properly after using the communicator.

Fixed a lighting bug where the proper tint wouldn't apply after talking to certain people in Trighbon.

Fixed a bug where the tint wouldn't change properly upon moving between maps.

Fixed a bug where you could walk into the wall in one of the old warehouses in Trighbon.

Fixed a bug where you could walk through the wall in the maze section of the Trighbon eastern town house.

Fixed a bug where you could be hit multiple times with one attack during the minor boss in Trighbon.

Fixed a bug where one of the wall switches would activate on it's own.

Fixed a lighting issue in the basement of the Mansion area.

Fixed a bug where after defeating the first major boss it could send you to the wrong map.

Fixed a bug where you could walk through the couch in Aaron's House.

Fixed a bug where the first major boss attacks would bug out if you killed him too quickly.

Fixed a bug where the first boss would occassionally get stuck in the pillars after crashing into them.

Fixed a bug where sometimes you wouldn't be able to save from the menu anymore after first major boss.

Fixed the adult scene dialogue and now the characters names will no longer appear the text and block the images/videos.  Instead the text will change color depending on which one of the women you get with.  Aaron' dialogue color will remain white.

Fixed a bug where you could repeatly sleep in your bed after the first chapter.

Fixed a bug where you could walk on the glass table papers in the Editors Department.

Fixed a grammar mistake in Chapter two where one of the doors will say It's locked and closed at the same time.

Fixed an issue in chapter two where the vine girl wouldn't spawn unless you completed her side quest in chapter one.

Fixed a sound bug where flame attacks from both major bosses would have footsteps.

Fixed a bug where the battle would just end prematurely in the second major boss fight.

Fixed a bug where you couldn't walk across the bridges in one of the temple sections.

Fixed a bug where certain recollection scenes wouldn't play properly.

Fixed a bug where you would skip most of a certain section of the temple.

Fixed a bug where a torch would move right three spaces after hitting a switch in the temple area.

Fixed a few bugs where the HUD wouldn't hide/show properly.


Changed the first major boss' secondary charge attack where now he can home in on you instead of just charging in a straight line depending on how much HP he has left.

Added an option to ask for a hint during one of the more vague puzzles in the mansion area.

All music (except the boss theme and temple OST ) has been removed from chapter two and replaced with simple looping ambient sounds.  

All tints in chapter two areas have been changed to be dark tint for outside and normal tint for inside of buildings.

Changed the tileset for a certain house in chapter two to a lighter version so it's easier to see with the new darker environment.

Removed some useless/outdated codes.


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